Thursday, September 24, 2009

Electrons Galore!

Week Six of school, and we finally learn about ELECTRONS! Well, I learned that around a nucleus in an atom, is this huge electron cloud. Electrons float around in shells, and the outermost shell contains valence electrons that can be "given away" to other atoms. I have no idea what that means! We also got to play with dry ice, which was pretty cool. The dry ice in water made a whole ton of fog stuff, and it was really cold. When we put a bunch in an empty fish tank and blew bubbles in it, the bubbles just floated and didn't pop. That was crazy! We also blew up balloons and stuff, and did a whole bunch of other fun and weird stuff with it.

The DCD Meet was a BLAST! My first day, doing the 4x100 yard freestyle relay, 100 yard backstroke, and 100 yard butterfly, and the 50 yard freestyle. For the relay, I broke a minute for my split! That's the first time I've ever broken the 100 yard freestyle, but too bad it doesn't actually count. I dropped all my times, which was good! The next day, I did the 400 IM relay, doing the 100 butterfly leg, the 200 yard IM, the 100 yards breaststroke, and the 100 yard freestyle. I dropped my butterfly time by another half a second from the day before, even though it didn't count. Then, for the 200 IM, I did a fantastic job, getting FIRST in my heat, making a 2:28! I also won my heat for breastroke, and I think I could have gone faster, because I wasn't even tired. The 100 yard freestyle was crazy. I OFFICIALLY BROKE THE MINUTE, making a 58.5! That was a great meet for me!

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