Thursday, September 17, 2009

Chemistry Week Five

Oh dear, a C + in my Chemistry Class!

I guess C for Chemistry?! OK, bad joke. Yea, that test I took on the third week, I was right when I said I did a bad job! A flat out 70% on that test. On top of that, I was so absorbed in taking my test, I didn't realize that I was supposed to turn in 50 points of papers till THIS Monday! YIKES! Well, I still got an 80% on that, since it was late and all. But hey, some score is better than no score! Swinging around to my 5th week of school, I better pull it up with next week's TEST!

Well, this week in Chemistry, I created a website an Element. The element I got was Radium. Lucky for me, I got an element I hardly know! Well, I learned a bit about it. Too bad there isn's a TON of information on it, since it's radioactive and all. Well, check it out here:

Oh, I really have to say this! Last Saturday, I met these Olympic swimmers at this event called Swim Champions. IT WAS SO FUN!! For all the swimmers out there: YOU SHOULD GO!! I got to see Matt Grevers, Ben Wildman-Tobriner, Ous Melloui, and Christine Magnuson. They were amazing, and I learned so much. It's great to know that these people started out as ordinary swimmers just like me! They were CRAZY fast! They'd dive in, and pop up a second later 3/4ths the way down from the pool. Man, I wish I could swim like that! Wouldn't that just be terrific!?

Well, the DCD meet's coming up. Its going to be great, since it'll be a chance to make my goal - all A times for every event! Tell you about it next week!

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