Thursday, September 24, 2009

Electrons Galore!

Week Six of school, and we finally learn about ELECTRONS! Well, I learned that around a nucleus in an atom, is this huge electron cloud. Electrons float around in shells, and the outermost shell contains valence electrons that can be "given away" to other atoms. I have no idea what that means! We also got to play with dry ice, which was pretty cool. The dry ice in water made a whole ton of fog stuff, and it was really cold. When we put a bunch in an empty fish tank and blew bubbles in it, the bubbles just floated and didn't pop. That was crazy! We also blew up balloons and stuff, and did a whole bunch of other fun and weird stuff with it.

The DCD Meet was a BLAST! My first day, doing the 4x100 yard freestyle relay, 100 yard backstroke, and 100 yard butterfly, and the 50 yard freestyle. For the relay, I broke a minute for my split! That's the first time I've ever broken the 100 yard freestyle, but too bad it doesn't actually count. I dropped all my times, which was good! The next day, I did the 400 IM relay, doing the 100 butterfly leg, the 200 yard IM, the 100 yards breaststroke, and the 100 yard freestyle. I dropped my butterfly time by another half a second from the day before, even though it didn't count. Then, for the 200 IM, I did a fantastic job, getting FIRST in my heat, making a 2:28! I also won my heat for breastroke, and I think I could have gone faster, because I wasn't even tired. The 100 yard freestyle was crazy. I OFFICIALLY BROKE THE MINUTE, making a 58.5! That was a great meet for me!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Chemistry Week Five

Oh dear, a C + in my Chemistry Class!

I guess C for Chemistry?! OK, bad joke. Yea, that test I took on the third week, I was right when I said I did a bad job! A flat out 70% on that test. On top of that, I was so absorbed in taking my test, I didn't realize that I was supposed to turn in 50 points of papers till THIS Monday! YIKES! Well, I still got an 80% on that, since it was late and all. But hey, some score is better than no score! Swinging around to my 5th week of school, I better pull it up with next week's TEST!

Well, this week in Chemistry, I created a website an Element. The element I got was Radium. Lucky for me, I got an element I hardly know! Well, I learned a bit about it. Too bad there isn's a TON of information on it, since it's radioactive and all. Well, check it out here:

Oh, I really have to say this! Last Saturday, I met these Olympic swimmers at this event called Swim Champions. IT WAS SO FUN!! For all the swimmers out there: YOU SHOULD GO!! I got to see Matt Grevers, Ben Wildman-Tobriner, Ous Melloui, and Christine Magnuson. They were amazing, and I learned so much. It's great to know that these people started out as ordinary swimmers just like me! They were CRAZY fast! They'd dive in, and pop up a second later 3/4ths the way down from the pool. Man, I wish I could swim like that! Wouldn't that just be terrific!?

Well, the DCD meet's coming up. Its going to be great, since it'll be a chance to make my goal - all A times for every event! Tell you about it next week!

Chemistry Week Four!

We're coming around to our FOURTH week of school! Chemistry has been a CRAZY class! We just recently learned a song about Unit Conversion. We also made a video of it, and it's somewhere on YouTube! Its a great song, but the lyrics hasn't really gotten stuck in my head. So, too bad for me, I did a horrible job on my IsaTest.

Well, this week we've been learning about the Periodic Table of Elements, and all the patterns and properties of it. We also got to organize the table in our own way, but it ended up looking almost exactly like the current Table we have right now! Amazing isn't it!?

Well, I'm glad this week's over! It's been a long week! Tomorrow, I'm going to meet four Olympic swimmers in this event called "Swim Champions", and do all sorts of cool stuff with them! I can't wait! It'll be awesome!

Chemistry Week Three

Week Three! I'm proud to say that I can wake up for school now without feeling grumpy! That's really quite an achievement!

This week in chemistry, we took a lot of notes from our books. From our notes, we had to learn quite a bit of vocabulary! Well, to checkout all the work I have been doing so far, check out my google docs page at . Well, after all those notes, we had to take a test on unit conversions! whoopee! I did a horrible job on that. My unit conversions need a lot of work! Showing the work is so hard. I hope that I will get to understand it soon. Oh, we also got a new seating arrangement. Its such a coincidence, how all the guys are on once side and the girls on the other. Hmm, I won
der why the class is set that way.....