Friday, April 2, 2010

Test Day

So, the test is over. Hooray. Once again, so many questions I jitter as i sit in my seat filling out the scantron. I really hate scantrons, they bother me because i hate how you make slash marks instead of bubbling in. Bubbling in is fun and relaxing and stuff, but making lines is just too complicated and weird for me. I don't know, I just guess I'm weird anyways.

We finally beat a team, Westmoor. WHOOT. About time. So nice races. My shoulder hurt so I couldn't really do much, but I did the best I could for my team so I guess I did ok.

I finished New Moon today. Greatish. Don't really like the middle with Bella and Jacob. I think I'm team Edward because Edward as a vampire is just cool, ya know? No sleep, forever young, flawless. Yes. I want to be just like that. But a werewolf where I always gotta strip and run like a dog.... cool to have the muscles and stuff but not me. Well, I picked up Eclipse and Breaking Dawn from my friends today, but my friend put me on this scavenger hunt because he was mad that I was reading it. Yes, I admit, Twilight is kind of a girly book. Interesting plotline none the less. Anyways, I hate scavenger hunts, but I finally got them back right before SPRING BREAK!

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