Thursday, March 18, 2010

Week Full of Meets

So, this week has been filled with meets for me. Right now, my body feels like it's dead! This weekend was my SOLO meet. I made all personal records, making an amazing 55.9 on my 100 free sprint. One of my goals is to reach the JO time, which is 53, and according to my goal plan, I'm right on track! Two other astounding achievements: a 4:57.9 (under 5 minutes!!) in the 400 IM and a 1:12.9 in my 100 breaststroke event. They're all amazing times which i hope to continue breaking. This totally remotivated me for a while, because high school swimming has been kind of a drag compared to awesome club swimming!

Today I had my first official high school swim meet against Carlmont. As a sophomore against a varsity team of juniors and seniors, I did pretty well! Well, the glory's not the same as being a freshmen, like I was last year. I basically made life best times today even though I wasn't feeling so great. So, my 200 free event I made a life best time compared to what I swam at the better pool in SOLO. So, that was great. Also, because I didn't do so well in my 200 free event at SOLO, I learned one very big lesson - DON'T HOLD BACK, which I quickly learned, leading me to the record SOLO meet times I wrote up there. Anyways, I beat my swim buddy, but he still has a faster time than me. Props to him!! Also, shout out to this girl on my team. I think she will read it and know this is for her. Rumor has it that she, who has been swimming a bagillion years longer than me, has an eye out for a 1:12 on the 100 breaststroke. I hope she gets it because she's one of the amazing swimmers I've been watching and learning from!! Well, back to me swimming. I had the 200 IM right after the 200 free, so I was crazy tired. The first 50 fly was ok, but then in back I was losing it. I gave up in breast, took it sorta easy in the first lap of free. Then I found one of my teammates losing it there, so I went turbo and finished with a life best time. I can go faster, and dang, that was me when I was tired!

In the end, we all swam well, and as our former coach last year said: "Based on times, not bad for a first meet." Our JV team has a TON it needs to work on, so I hope they improve!!

Bummer, I lost my ASB election. Oh well, I'm just going to reapply for Leadership and hope for the best!

Well, to the main point of this blog, chemistry. The test was ridiculously easy. There were a couple things I didn't get, but I'll still have an A in the class anyways. We've moved onto stuff about Pressure and Gasses. Its really confusing and our labs lately have not been working. Well, another fun filled week of chemistry! Honestly, I think this blog should be called "Swimming..." or something, because all I can cough up about is swimming more than chemistry!

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