Thursday, February 25, 2010


Yet another annoying song to have stuck in my head: M, C, Delta T. M, C, Delta T. (my chem teacher goes further and says "Thats Calorimetry Yo!"). The great thing about having such a song stuck in your head is that you remember the thermochemistry formula, but the downfall is that it doesn't help in figuring out what M, C, and Delta T stands for. So, brain farts are devastating. You have this song stuck in your head with no meaning. Horray.

Anyways, we got to burn metal and I got to play with fire, so I'm good.

My brand new blue speedo turned purple after four days, so I just got a new one which arrived today. Note to ANYONE who reads this and is a swimmer: ALWAYS BUY SPEEDO ENDURANCE. Anything else is just plain useless. The fabric fades and wears out so quickly. That was a waste of some 30 bucks.

I am running for ASB Secretary. Wish me luck people, cause I think I'm gonna need it. I have a bet with my opponent, and it's that whoever loses owes the winner lunch. I don't wanna buy a Junior that, 'specially when I know I am SMARTER and more RESPONSIBLE and a BETTER SWIMMER than her. The downfall is, running for ASB requires me to make a speech and a slogan, something I'm horrible at. Suggestions anyone?

Meanwhile, I'm planning on all the classes I'll take for next year. I'm taking two weighted classes. Not too bad for Junior year ehh?

Tomorrow's my school's Winter Formal. No date :( But my buddies and I are, hopefully, going to have a blast. Of course, High School Time Trials first! Hope I beat _____________________.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Speedo Day

My turn to wear the speedo. The pic above sorta looks like what I wear, minus the body shape and horrible tan line.

I actually made this decision two weeks ago, and my speedo brief came friday. Yay me. Now i get to show off my horrible jammer tan. All my swim buddies say that my thighs are so white:
1. NASA can spot them
2. I still look like I'm wearing white jammers with a blue middle part
3. It's just plain scary...

It's a weird experience, my thighs just hang out and jiggle, and I'm so self conscious.

Winter Olympics this year anyone? For some reason, I'm not that into it this year... I suppose its the homework I just seem to keep getting everyday.

I saw Valentine's Day, and don't call me a loser, but I actually liked it. It's not a bad storyline, I mean, it made sense and all, and it tied together. Loved Anne Hatheway and her phone sex business. Even better when Queen Latifa tried it out. It was good, and 'cmon, give creds to Taylor Swift for acting like a dumb blonde. I loved it when she was talking about how her boyfriend called and she didn't see her boyfriend but only this big stuffed animal. Another favorite: "I stand behind you... metaphorically". Watch it to find out what it means!

I got to pie my chem teacher today. That was EPIC. Three of my buddies and I did it consecutively. Well worth my charitable $2. Man, a whole year plus more to go of chemistry with him, dang it felt good.

Well, back to chemistry, the main reason I'm writing blogs, we have a test on Friday. Isn't it getting boring, me ranting about how I don't know anything, me getting upset about how I have a test on Friday, me ranting about Chemistry? Well, I have BIG NEWS. I kinda get the stuff this time. We're doing stoichiometry. I still don't think its a legit name for this, and it doesn't seem like a real chemistry thing. Seriously, I thought my teacher made up the name, along with the millions of other songs. Anyways, sure, it's a bit complicated, making all those unit conversion stuff, but its the same throughout. The hard part is figuring what molecules to use and balancing the equations, something I bet i will not get. Trust me, anyone know about the chemical equation of..... nitrate? I'm once again


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sexy Riley!

So, we had an epic spirit week this week. One day we dressed up like we went to BHS, and i wore a BHS tee shirt, and people were like "YOU WOULD" to me. Some people here think I'm a BHS lover because I swim there (thats where my swim team BAC trains).

In the BEST RALLY ever, we had the ACADEMY OF VILLAINS come and dance for us. They're an amazing dance crew, starred America's Best Dance Crew, and they're going to try out for America's Got Talent. They are really talented, made me want to dance, and their music choice is off the charts.

Then, at the rally, one of our seniors, RILEY, did this amazing stunt. It was during the Boys Varsity, and while someone had to do those freethrow shots, he stripped down to his SPEEDO and danced for a while. I <3 MILLS was written all over his body. It was hilarious, and he's definitely a hero. SEXY RILEY SEXY RILEY. We chanted that for a while. Just so you know, I think he distracted the BHS team, cause we ended up winning. MHS FTW!

We did more of that Moles X Grams X whatever whatever stuff. Its taking me forever to get it in my head. Chemical equations ick me. We did this failure of a lab, cause the magnesium string didn't burn up and oxidize, so a bad lab. Oh well, not like I would have understood what was going on anyways. A fire is way too mesmerizing.


Thursday, February 4, 2010


We learned a pretty interesting, and i seriously mean interesting, song today. GramsXMolesX MolsYGramsY. Say that in your head over and over again. So, I don't exactly know what it means, but I'm sure it's important!

We just did our CAHSEEs. Pretty epic. It was also like crazy easy. Some questions were silly. You could narrow yourself down to two possible answers and then you have a 50/50 chance of getting it right.

Back to Chem. We did more on stuff with chemical reactions. We even burned Methane Gas. Pretty epic.