Saturday, May 1, 2010

Mini Project 1 - The Incredible Egg Part 1

Hey, another chemistry assignment comin' your way!

I decided to make an Incredible Rubber Egg! It's pretty cool, because all you really need is an egg and vinegar. Anyways, the end result should be this really cool egg which has rubber qualities.

The Science?

The vinegar is acidic, "eating" up the calcium carbonate egg shell. The skin, or inner membrane, of the egg is left behind, making it feel very rubbery.

To do it is just three easy steps:
  1. Take a hard boiled egg and place it in a glass jar filled with vinegar. Leave it undisturbed for three days.
  2. Take the egg out of the vinegar and rinse it off.
  3. Play with the egg! Poke it, squeeze it, and maybe even bounce it!
I got a photo of me with my super cool egg as it sits in the vinegar. I'll post again to show you all the results of this amazing experiment.

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