Thursday, April 22, 2010

Nothing Cool This Week

WHOA, what a stupid week for me.

During my school's Arbor Day, all I really could do was serve food at my school's Pancake Breakfast. So, I was up bright and early on a SATURDAY doing this, and I hoped to plant a tree right after. No, the event takes up all my time till noon and I don't get to plant a tree! There goes my one green thing a year. I couldn't even paint a garbage can... c'mon. But the food was good, so I suppose you can say its worth it.

Then, at the Leo's club, I sign up for this Hep B awareness thing. So I personally think it's cool. I don't really know much about Hep B, except for that it affects 1 in 10 Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders. So, since it involves me I really should be concerned ehh? Well, I have nothing to do with it right now, except for a team of people who wanna help. Hopefully we'll have something to do soon!

Well, first, I have this PreCal quiz. So its pretty big for me, because my quiz grade is a 79% and I need anything, like even a B, just to move up the 1% and get an A- overall in the grade. Well, I'm sure I did my hyperbola problem completely wrong, so there goes that chance.

Then, in swimming, nothing cool really came out. Todays meet against Aragon, I swam the 200 free and the 100 fly. No Personal Records, and a lot of disappointment for me. Added quite a bit of time today. The pool was nasty too, really dense water - thats a first!

Chem, you can say, was actually fun this week. We melted glass and use those high powered air nozzles for a change.

Friday, April 16, 2010

iProposeWe Make Slime

I propose we make SLIME!

This is part of my chem class today: making up a lab. Whoot!

Making Slime

Materials:Safety Precautions: Wear Goggles! You are playing with dangerous chemicals. Eating the slime is toxic for you. The slime cleans up easily, just remove the dried slime after soaking it with water. The more you play with the slime, the harder it will get. Store the slime in a plastic bag in the refrigerator to prevent mold from forming.

  1. Pour the glue into the jar.
  2. Add about half a cup of water into the empty glue bottle and stir.
  3. (Optional) Add food coloring.
  4. In a separate jar, mix a cup of water with a teaspoon of borax powder.
  5. Slowly stir the glue mixture into the borax solution.
  6. Put the forming slime into your hand and slowly knead it until it feels dry.
Scientific Purposes:
  1. To make and mix solutions and mixtures
  2. To make a chemical reaction
  3. To observe the weird properties of slime
To see this in action, watch this YouTube video.

Friday, April 9, 2010


Portland, Seattle, Vancouver ---> ROADTRIP.
It was pretty fun. Got to shop, got to see family, got to play. Perfect. It was a fast week, sadly, and I neither swam nor slept in. Bummer. But fun. Lotsa food. So much food in fact that I now have a "muffin top" when I wear my speedo. Gross. Not a serious one, but noticeable from where I stand! But reality is, no swimming, no burning, FAT.

Well, this Chemistry Review Packet has been a killer. So much that I forgot. Well, STAR TESTING continues next week, not a lot of fun ehh?

Finished Breaking Dawn today. Best out of the four books. Finally, a good insight on being a vampire and what not. Too much sex though, but ehh, at least they waited till marriage? Anyways, interesting book. The dialogue at the end between them and the Volturi was epic. Loved it. Good series in terms of the plot, but I think a rather sucky book to read. Like the TIME magazine, I suggest you skim it, but read the really good parts. You'll know where they are.

Hey, also got to read a bit of Green Lantern comics at my cousin's house. He has a great collection. I love Green Lantern though I don't know much about it. Cool though, and pretty gory but epic.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Test Day

So, the test is over. Hooray. Once again, so many questions I jitter as i sit in my seat filling out the scantron. I really hate scantrons, they bother me because i hate how you make slash marks instead of bubbling in. Bubbling in is fun and relaxing and stuff, but making lines is just too complicated and weird for me. I don't know, I just guess I'm weird anyways.

We finally beat a team, Westmoor. WHOOT. About time. So nice races. My shoulder hurt so I couldn't really do much, but I did the best I could for my team so I guess I did ok.

I finished New Moon today. Greatish. Don't really like the middle with Bella and Jacob. I think I'm team Edward because Edward as a vampire is just cool, ya know? No sleep, forever young, flawless. Yes. I want to be just like that. But a werewolf where I always gotta strip and run like a dog.... cool to have the muscles and stuff but not me. Well, I picked up Eclipse and Breaking Dawn from my friends today, but my friend put me on this scavenger hunt because he was mad that I was reading it. Yes, I admit, Twilight is kind of a girly book. Interesting plotline none the less. Anyways, I hate scavenger hunts, but I finally got them back right before SPRING BREAK!