Thursday, November 5, 2009

Homecoming Recap

Well, I just noticed I don't have a blog about our HOMECOMING.
Don't quite remember what we did in Chem, but I remember what we did for Leadership!

We had SO much to do. Everyday was a dress up day, starting with Black and White Monday, Horror Tuesday, Comedy Wednesday, Western Wednesday, and Austin Powers Sophomores! Black and White was a basic dress up day. This was my first actual dress up for Horror! I ripped up an old tee shirt, and covered it in fake blood. It looked really cool, and people were scared. I even go a bit of makeup from the Seniors! Comedy, or Wacky, wasn't really my strong point, so I didn't have much of an outfit. For Western, I wore my newly bought, 7 dollar (came with the help of a gift card) plaid shirt. And a bandana, yep! Western alright! Austin Power day, my friend made me a shirt with a peace sign on it. That was awesome.

Let me tell you about my CRAZY Friday! I was at school from 6am, setting up for our rally. Then, I had to skip almost all my classes, including Chem, to set up for the rally, then clean up after the rally, then set up for the big night Homecoming Game. Yep, Leadership work all day long. It was GREAT. I even got my VIKAMANIA tee shirt, a Homecoming Exclusive. I only went to my English Class to learn a bit of caligraphy, after getting a cut on my hand! Ouch! Then, I was back to setting up for the dance! At 5:00, I was down at the field, selling Millsware all thoroughout the game. Guess What!? WE TIED! Against El Camino. I really hoped that we could win. Too bad there's no OVERTIME. I left school at 10:30 that day.

Saturday was great. Back at school AGAIN at 10:30am. We finished up decorating for the dance, then went home. I got ready, and was back at 6:45 to start up the dance. I had a great time. It was stopped a bit because we had some technical problems and someone dislocated her leg. That was epic. I stayed after to clean up for the dance, and left school at 11:00pm. WHAT A WEEK. I could have basically lived at school!

Well, that was my Homecoming!

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